Monday, 23 December 2019

Climate Model Accuracy Means South Africa *REALLY* NEEDS TO PAY ATTENTION

The accuracy of the predictions for Australia and what is currently playing out is an indication that what has been predicted for South Africa has a STRONG likelihood of materializing. 
Here is what the IPCC report says about Southern Africa:
“The southern African region is projected to be a climate change hotspot in terms of both hot extremes (Figures 3.5 and 3.6) and drying (Figure 3.12). Indeed, temperatures have been rising in the subtropical regions of southern Africa at approximately twice the global rate over the last five decades (Engelbrecht et al., 2015).”
NOTE: The 2019 Emissions Gap Report indicates that we are currently on track for a 3.2°C global temperature increase. This means we have to look at the worst case scenario. There is NO INDICATION that we are taking any action to avert this scenario. The results will be CATASTROPHIC for this region.


💧 Reductions in water availability (medium confidence)
🔥 Increase in number of hot nights and longer more frequent heatwaves (high confidence)
☠️ High risks of increased mortality from heatwaves
🍽 High risk of undernutrition in communities dependent on dryland agriculture and livestock

2️⃣ WARMING OF 1.5°C - 2°C

🌧💧Large reduction in rainfall and water availability (medium confidence)
🔥☠️ Further increases in number of hot nights and longer and more frequent heatwaves (high confidence) associated increases in risks of increased mortality from heatwaves compared to 1.5°C warming (high confidence)
🍽 Higher risks of undernutrition in communities dependent on dryland agriculture and livestock


🌧💧 Large reductions in rainfall and water availability (medium confidence)
🔥☠️ Drastic increases in the number of hot nights, hot days and heatwave duration and frequency to impact substantially on agriculture, livestock and human health and mortality (high confidence)
🍽 Very high risks of undernutrition in communities dependent on dryland agriculture and livestock

This is a #ClimateEmergency and we have to do EVEYTHING in our power to stop burning as much fossil fuels as possible IMMEDIATELY.

🌍Become Climate Conscious
👩🏻‍🎓Become Carbon Literate
🗳️Vote for change
🌱Switch to a plant-based diet
🚘Drive less (switch to EV if you can)
☀️Switch to renewable energy
✈️Fly less (the worst transport choice)

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