Friday, 11 October 2019

Carbon Literacy — Flights

Sometimes flying is completely unavoidable, for example in the case of an emergency, but people are quickly waking up to the reality that this is one area, as far as their footprint is concerned that they do have large control over.
“We are seeing that all around, people are going, oh crikey, aviation is actually part of my footprint, and when they look at things that they have direct control of, aviation comes up in the top three things that you canactually do to reduce your impact.”— Lucy Gilliam, Transport and Environment, Brussels.
As this piece in FT shows there is no near term technological solution to cut aviation emissions. Which means there is really only one way to reduce flight emissions. As the magnitude of the climate crisis begins to sink in any transportation that relies on fossil fuels is going to be severely curtailed.
It is super important to start thinking seriously how to adapt to this reality.
🌍Become Climate Conscious
👩🏻‍🎓Become Carbon Literate
🗳️Vote for change
🌱Switch to a plant-based diet
🚘Drive less (switch to EV if you can)
☀️Switch to renewable energy
✈️Fly less (the worst transport choice)

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