Sunday, 27 October 2019

Are we in denial?

Since becoming aware of the current science around climate change and the rapid approach of a global catastrophe on our current trajectory I have thought a lot about denial.

We have the science, we are literally beginning to experience the effects of a changing climate and yet there is no mass action to reverse the emission trajectory we are on.

It’s business as usual. We keep driving, we keep flying, we keep consuming. We keep burning fossil fuels. We keep opening new coal mines, drill for more oil and gas.

There seems to be a massive disconnect between what the science is telling us an what we do.

The only conclusion I able to reach is that the majority of us are in a state of deep denial.

Which is why this piece by in Bloomberg caught my eye We’re all in denial about climate change
“Denial of that sort might be embedded in our DNA. Some scientists think it’s the primary trait that distinguishes humans from other animals. We know we are going to die, so we develop beliefs in an afterlife, or we just don’t think about it at all. And in a similar way, we don’t dwell on the fact that human activity has changed the atmosphere, and that conditions could get very bad in the near future.”
Are we going to stay in denial until it’s too late?

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