Monday, 23 April 2012

This time I am really going to do something about a standing desk

Yesterday Matt Mastracci linked to this post entitled Confirmed: He Who Sits the Most Dies the Soonest which had the tagline:

"Another study shows that sitting is really, really, really bad for your health. Please, just get a standup desk!"

I see this as my wake-up call! I have toyed with this idea for sometime, but this time I am going to do something about it. For me when I decide to make a change in any habit I need to do something about it immediately.

So this morning I have this DIY standing desk setup - it's ugly I know - but it will motivate me to find another solution :)

I will keep you posted as I get into this new habit.

In the meantime you may enjoy reading Gina Trapani's piece entitled Why and How I Switched to a Standing Desk and Thomas Borowski post DIY Standing Desk

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