Sunday 29 May 2011

Deciding on a life-stream platform

I have been trying to decide on where to host my life-stream. For quite some time I have been using Posterous for this. Primarily because of the incredible ease with which the platform can auto-post to almost all the major social platforms. It also handles media that you email into it really really well. Take a mobile video and email it to Posterous and Posterous takes care of the rest.

But the one thing that prompted me to start searching for something else is that there is no easy way to export my content from Posterous. I had a private group where I shared lots of stuff with my daughter - our private blog. But when wanting to export the content to back it up I discovered there is no obvious way to do that! It can be done but its not simple. Then there is also a question mark in my mind about its future. Unfounded maybe but a concern nonetheless. I want her to have a space she can return to years from now and I am not sure Posterous will be it.

Played around with Tumblr too. It's hip and easy to use just like Posterous but from what I have seen they have been having issues with uptime. At the end of last year they did raise $30m in funding which may be an indication that they may be around a little longer than Posterous for example.

But all this led me to Blogger. So what swayed my decision? Couple of things its Google owned (read not going anywhere soon) and is being actively developed. It integrates really well with Picasa and other Google products I use.

I just hope the team will make it easy to add video from mobile. Getting posts into Twitter is also not that straightforward either. I am using Socialize in Feedburner to do this. Other than that I am comfortable investing time here. Blogger also has the ability to have a private blog which is great as I can have my private dad/daughter space here too.

Do you have any blogger tips for me? :)


  1. This was posted from email :) flawless.

  2. In Tumblr's defense Blogger did have a major outage about 2 weeks ago :)
