Saturday, 27 August 2011

Why I am finding way more value from Google+ than Twitter

So I have been spending LOTS of time on Google+ and with each passing day I am falling more in love with it! I wrote earlier about how Google+ has disrupted my use of social media and this little example continues to confirm this for me.

I still use Twitter as a real-time RSS feed and use lists extensively. While catching up on one of my list I saw this post from Jeremiah Owyang

Why this caught my eye was that on Google+ I had seen the exact same update. Here it is:

Can you see the difference? :) 

On Twitter I normally follow my lists using Hootsuite on my iPhone or iPad (and more recently the native iOS Twitter app) There were some @ replies and RT of the tweet but these are not easy to see - to see conversation on Twitter requires jumping through a few hoops.

On Google+ however at a glance you can see how many people have +1'ed it and shared it - but more important the entire conversation is there easy to follow in context and in real-time. There is no beating that!

So although I still use Twitter for keeping up with the headlines, Google+ is the place to have conversations around those headlines.

Do you agree? 

(If we haven't connected yet on Google+ you can do so here and if you need an invite to join you can get that here)

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