Friday, 17 June 2011


So I spent the entire public holiday yesterday streamlining my workflow. (I know boring) My basic objective was to ensure that everything I do on my laptop I can replicate on the iPhone/iPad which was no simple task I must add!

The two big ones for me yesterday was one, turning Evernote into my Task/To-do Manager. And making sure I can write and post blog posts from the mobile devices primarily to this blog (Blogger) and to Social Media IQ's blog (Wordpress). 

I have been using Evernote for awhile but it was never really structured. While putting that whole workflow together I realised just how amazing Evernote is as a productivity tool and I look forward to using it the way I set it up and fine tuning as I go.

My Evernote inspiration came from this excellent post by Mark Stout "Much ado about Todo's Using Evernote to Manage your Tasks" I played around a bit with Remember the Milk and Todoist but finally settled on Evernote as I didn't want to have to use yet another service (you know the overload feeling?) The only draw back with Evernote is it's lack of notifications but I am prepared to live with that for now.

My goal was to use a tool that is ubiquitous and Evernote is certainly that. It works seamlessly on all three devices. Hopefully the little things like not being able to edit rich text notes on the iPhone or iPad won't become too much of an issue.

Next was to ensure that Safari on the Apple devices all had the bookmarklets I use the most often: Here they are are in no particular order: HootLit (Hootsuite); Share on Facebook; (with its awesome ability to now share to groups) Read Later; (Instapaper) Yam It; (Yammer) Blog This; (Blogger) Send to Evernote and Share on Tumblr.

Chrome Bookmark sync is just unbelievably awesome - an area where Safari has some catching up to do. I found this really helpful in getting these bookmarklets into Safari: "Useful Bookmarklets for your iPad and iPhone"

Sorting out the ability to post to Blogger and Wordpress from the Apple devices was a little tricker. Eventually settled on the Wordpress and Blogpress apps which work relatively well.

So taking a quick look at everything here are all the apps that help me work seamlessly between the 3 devices (Dell Inspiron N5010; iPhone 4 and iPad 2)

  • Evernote 
  • Hootsuite
  • Skype
  • Google Apps
  • Google Calendar
  • Dropbox
  • BlogPress
  • WordPress
  • Pages 
  • Yammer
  • Instapaper
What have you found to be your most productive apps that help you work across devices? Please share!

1 comment:

  1. mmmm.... Seems the Evernote choice was a good one :) just saw this post over on TechCrunch Sequoia Capital To Double Down on Evernote With Big New Investment
